Zedex Capital

3512 days ago

SHOCKING EXCLUSIVE: The China scam pipeline: Naibu, Camkids, China ChainTek and Zedex Capital

I think that it is now 100% clear that Naibu (NBU) is a fraud. It is only a matter of time before it goes to 0p or is booted off the AIM Casino. But where did it come from and is it unique? Meet Zedex Capital. What follows will shock you. It says so much about how corrupt AIM and the City advisors working on it have become. It is a scandal.

Zedex is not regulated by the FCA but acts in London and says of itself:

Zedex Capital is dedicated to bringing quality Chinese companies to the London Stock Exchange, in particular the Alternative Investment Market (AIM). Our core business is grooming high-growth and sufficient-size Chinese companies to ensure that their business strategy, financial soundness, and corporate governance are adequate for an Initial Public Offering (IPO), so that the transaction can be executed smoothly and swiftly once all professional advisers are on board.

In return for this grooming of pert young companies
